The full family Christmas of 2014

We were super blessed the festive season to have our whole family together, the build up to Christmas was exhausting to say the least because having so much family around means added opinions and tastes but as I sat back to take it all in on Christmas day I suddenly felt so happy that we…

Super powers

My Darling Hunter, Your latest obsession is definitely Spider-man, so for the last couple of months our play time, TV and any other spare second of the day has been filled with Spider-man. We have downloaded the movies and they seem to be on repeat lately along with every game has some element of a…


My Darling Hunter, Of late you have shown a real interest in superheros, specifically Spider-Man and Superman (or Sooto man as you call it). So much so that there has been a constant nagging about buying Spider-Mans mask, since you watched the movie and Spider-Man takes his mask off and gives it to the little…